What does Mastec Industrial do?
Types of jobs at Mastec Industrial
Determined via job opportunities posted to or shared via our website, some of the oil & gas, energy, skilled trades and craft jobs at Mastec Industrial include Ironworker, Welder, Laborer, Refinery, Helper, Pipefitter, Crane Operator, Electrician , Equipment Operator, Firewatch, Rigger, Safety, & Holewatch. Other common positions are:
Mastec Industrial job postings & career openings:
Here are the most recent job openings & career opportunities that we have sourced or have been provided directly from Mastec Industrial:
Structural Welders/ Ironworkers (Journeyman) Needed in AZ
Features: Competitive Wages
Company: Mastec Industrial
Region: Arizona
Laborer Jobs in Golden Valley, AZ paying $21/hr
Features: Health Benefits Package
Company: Mastec Industrial
Region: Arizona
Gold Mine in Fairbanks Alaska Jobs: Up to $38/hr with $215 Per Diem plus $750 Travel Pay
Features: No Experience, Paid Travel
Company: Mastec Industrial
Region: Fairbanks
Welders, Pipefitters, Ironworkers, Electricians, Helpers & More: Up to $40/hr in AZ
Features: Competitive Wages, Many Positions Available
Company: Mastec Industrial
Region: Arizona
Golden Valley Hiring Event May 21st: No Experience Laborers, Riggers, Firewatch, Fitters, Operators & More (Interview on the spot)
Features: Hiring On The Spot, Many Positions Available
Company: Mastec Industrial
Region: Kingman