What does Integral Energy Services Ltd. do?
Integral Energy Services Ltd. provides electrical, instrumentation, and project management offerings. Based in Airdrie, Alberta, our senior management team boasts more than 100 years of combined experience in the industrial sector along with extensive industry knowledge that enables us to successfully manage projects ranging in both size and complexity. We believe that our competitive advantage lies in our large stable workforce and committed dedication to maintaining positive client relationships/partnerships. Integral projects are completed on time and on budget.
Types of jobs at Integral Energy Services Ltd.
Determined via job opportunities posted to or shared via our website, some of the oil & gas, energy, skilled trades and craft jobs at Integral Energy Services Ltd. include Electrician , Electrical Apprentice, & Journeyperson Electrician. Other common positions are:
Integral Energy Services Ltd. job postings & career openings:
Here are the most recent job openings & career opportunities that we have sourced or have been provided directly from Integral Energy Services Ltd.:
Journeyperson Electrician /Apprentice - Fly In Fly Out - Fort McMurray Area ($50 an hour - Full-time, Apprenticeship)
Features: Competitive Wages, Fly-In & Fly-Out
Company: Integral Energy Services Ltd.
Region: Fort McMurray
Journeyperson & Apprentice Electricians - Fly In Fly Out up to $50/hr - Fort McMurray Area
Features: Competitive Wages, Fly-In & Fly-Out
Company: Integral Energy Services Ltd.
Region: Fort McMurray
$50.00 Per Hour (Journeyperson Electrician / Apprentice): Fly In Fly Out in Fort McMurray Area
Features: Competitive Wages
Company: Integral Energy Services Ltd.
Region: Fort McMurray