What does Carbonex Contractors do?
Since 2014, Carbonex has been a privately held company specializing in fabrication, construction, and maintenance projects. Meeting client needs with adaptability, we have created the right value-based, fully integrated solutions to successfully deliver projects on time and on budget. Our safety-driven culture has provided our clients with a cost-effective, win-win, collaborative delivery model.
Types of jobs at Carbonex Contractors
Determined via job opportunities posted to or shared via our website, some of the oil & gas, energy, skilled trades and craft jobs at Carbonex Contractors include Pipeline, Pipefitter, Pipefitter Helper, Welder, Construction, Turnaround, Shutdown, Pipefitter Apprentice, Laborer, Labourer, Skilled Laborer, Skilled Labourer, Pipefitter Journeyman, & General Labourer. Other common positions are:
Experienced Laborer
Pipefitter Helper
Hydraulic Torque Hand
DPS Contractor
Carbonex Contractors job postings & career openings:
Here are the most recent job openings & career opportunities that we have sourced or have been provided directly from Carbonex Contractors:
Multiple Trades Wanted in Grande Prairie, Alberta: $42.00/hr, Dental, Health Benefits, 8-12hr Shifts
Features: Competitive Wages, Many Positions Available, Full Time Position(s)
Company: Carbonex Contractors
Region: Grande Prairie
Welders Wanted (B Pressure Stainless Steel) in Alberta: $100.00 to $115.00 Per Hour
Features: Competitive Wages, 12 Hour Shifts
Company: Carbonex Contractors
Region: Alberta
Start ASAP! Pipefitters & Welders Needed For Multiple Projects: Up to $48/hour + Paid Overtime
Features: Competitive Wages, Overtime Paid, Multiple Rotations, Full Time Position(s)
Company: Carbonex Contractors
Region: Grande Prairie