Automation Technician Jobs in Canada

If you're located in Antigonish and looking for a job in Oil & Gas, Pipeline, Skilled Trades, Craft, Construction - or even seeking out Jobs in new energy EJS has you covered. We provide listings to career opportunities from popular employers such as ConocoPhillips, Total, ExxonMobil, Suncor & hundreds more. Like many jobs in this industry, several jobs feature quality of life enhancing perks like Living allowances, Full Benefits, Company paid housing and beyond.

Check out our most recent Automation Technician job listings in Energy, Skilled Trades, Pipeline & Construction sectors below:

Dang, we don't currently have any Automation Technician jobs posted in Antigonish. Don't sweat it, if you're willing to travel or relocate to find work we've expanded the results to include jobs from Canada: