Good news - you're a rockstar and frankly - employers should be knocking down your door.

From what I can see:

  • You've probably got a license that's adequate for the type of work you're interested in
  • Your background checks out
  • You've got the basic tickets / certifications needed for most jobs and work sites.
  • You've got plenty of experience doing what you do, including specialzed certifications.
  • You've got a great resume & solid references.
  • You're on the straight and narrow as drugs and alchohol aren't an issue for you.
  • You're likely open to working local or traveling for work if need be.

So, why can't you find work? Good question!

It's most likely that you're running into technical issues and are unable to be seen by the right people - that must be frustrating.

My team would love help!

For today, here's 3 things you need to know:

  1. I've fast tracked your EJSU application and you'll be hearing from my team within 2-3 weeks on the next steps
  2. Keep pounding! Make sure you're signed up for our custom job alerts here (you won't get hired if you don't apply)
  3. Keep the faith - If what you've said about yourself is true, I'm 75% confident we can get you working ASAP.

That's all for now. Thanks for taking the EJSU survey!

Yours in success,
