Electrician Jobs in Newfoundland and Labrador CA
If you are living or looking in Corner Brook and have your sights set on a rewarding career in the energy industry including oil & gas, pipeline, solar, wind - or even just skilled trades and craft jobs - we've got some great opportunities to share with you. EJS provides listings to careers from industry leaders like Halliburton, Patterson-UTI, ExxonMobil, Total & hundreds more. Take advantage of job perks like Daily living allowances, paid travel, career advancement and beyond.
Check out our most recent Electrician job listings in Energy, Skilled Trades, Pipeline & Construction sectors below:
Dang, we don't currently have any Electrician jobs posted in Corner Brook. Don't sweat it, if you're willing to travel or relocate to find work we've expanded the results to include jobs from Newfoundland and Labrador:
Skilled Trades Needed All Over Canada! Camp & Paid Travel, 14/7 Rotations + Long Term Work
Features: Camp, Competitive Wages, Paid Travel, Health Benefits Package
Company: Ledcor
Region: Alberta, British Columbia, Manitoba, Newfoundland and Labrador, Saskatchewan
Big Time Offshore Hiring: New Jobs Paying $43.96 - $107.04/hr (Roustabouts, Welders, Painters, Engineers & More)
Compensation: $43.96-$107.04/hour
Features: Competitive Wages, Housing Available, Many Positions Available
Company: Stena Drilling
Region: St. John's
Offshore Jobs $44.84 - $149/hr: Paid travel, Benefits, 84 hours per week
Compensation: $44.85-$149/hour
Features: Competitive Wages, Many Positions Available
Company: Stena Drilling
Region: Newfoundland and Labrador
Offshore jobs in NL paying up to $130,000/yr on a 28 & 28 Rotation
Compensation: $80,000-$177,000/year
Features: Competitive Wages, 28 & 28
Company: Puglisevich
Region: Newfoundland and Labrador
Stena Drilling Hiring Multiple Onshore/Offshore Jobs: $40.09 - $149/hr
Compensation: $40.09-$149/hour
Features: Competitive Wages, Many Positions Available
Company: Stena Drilling
Region: Newfoundland and Labrador
Electrical & Instrumentation Planner in Newfoundland ($40.00 - $70.00 Per Hour)
Compensation: $40-$70/hour
Features: Competitive Wages
Company: Newfoundland Service Alliance Inc.
Region: Mount Pearl
$983.00 to $1027 Per Day (Offshore Trades: Pipefitters, Electricians, Mechanics & Instrument Techs)
Compensation: $983-$1,027/day
Features: Competitive Wages, Many Positions Available
Company: Newfoundland Service Alliance Inc.
Region: Mount Pearl
Puglisevich Accepting Resumes for Electricians in Newfoundland
Features: Competitive Wages
Company: Puglisevich
Region: Newfoundland and Labrador
Offshore Floorhands, Drillers, Toolpush, Rig Manager Needed ($33.40-$139.39/hr)
Features: Competitive Wages, Paid Travel, Offshore Work
Company: Stena Drilling
Region: St. John's, Newfoundland and Labrador, Canada