Welcome to our Canadian list of the best & newest jobs hiring now!
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We send completely new lists every Monday and Thursday of every week via email. If you'd prefer not to miss the job opportunities as soon as they drop, make sure to sign up for our newsletter here: https://www.energyjobshop.com/newsletter/
Thursday's Top Jobs Across Canada list:
Travel All Over Canada As Lead Housekeepers, Plumbers & Camp Managers: FIFO, Camps & up to $500/day
Gear Up For The Busy Winter Season! Now Hiring Full Crews. Top Industry Wages + Camp & Premiums
Relocate to Kitimat, BC! Applications Close Dec 01 & Wages Go as High as $126,000/year
How to apply:
- Click on each of the links (blue text below), this will take you to the job listing where we wrote down the perks, benefits & reasons why you'd like the job
- Read through our commentary or scroll down and find the link under "Ready to Apply"
- Click on the button and follow the instructions
Good luck on your job hunt!