What does Stone Oilfield Service do?

Stone Oilfield Service has grown into a successful business that boasts more than 60 trucks and more than 100 employees. 

How big is Stone Oilfield Service and how old are they?





Stone Oilfield Service has been around since 2004 making them 20 years old and the 319th oldest company in our database of energy companies. Roughly 100 people work at Stone Oilfield Service making them the 381st largest in our database.

source include: indeed, glassdoor, facebook, google

Employee reviews of Stone Oilfield Service

What is employment at Stone Oilfield Service like? From employers included and reviewed within our database, Stone Oilfield Service ranks 120th of 166 small companies that employ 499 or less people.


Summary: 3.40 out of 5 stars and 120th of 166 small companies employing 499 or less people.

source include: indeed, glassdoor, facebook, google

Why work at Stone Oilfield Service?

Stone Oilfield Service is a family-oriented company that rewards good work.

Stone Oilfield Service work culture & company values

Stone Oilfield Service attributes their success and incredible growth to their commitment to excellent service, quality staff members, and their ability to perform the work we promise you.

How to find Stone Oilfield Service hiring & job application info

Looking for employment opportunities with Stone Oilfield Service? Below you can find relevant hiring information via their website, social media profiles, and the Stone Oilfield Service application process via their careers/hiring page. Logged in users can find additional information including Stone Oilfield Service recruiter emails, names, and phone numbers if available.

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