What does Black Hawk Energy Services do?

Black Hawk Energy Services provides 24 hour drill out packages including virtually every piece of equipment associate with drill out operations in order to save time and money. They can custom design a complete package specific to their client’s needs and operations. Black Hawk Energy Services employs a full time safety staff to ensure compliance with the highest standards of their industry.

How big is Black Hawk Energy Services and how old are they?





Black Hawk Energy Services has been around since 2010 making them 14 years old and the 371st oldest company in our database of energy companies. Roughly 35 people work at Black Hawk Energy Services making them the 441st largest in our database.

source include: indeed, glassdoor, facebook, google

Employee reviews of Black Hawk Energy Services

What is employment at Black Hawk Energy Services like? From employers included and reviewed within our database, Black Hawk Energy Services ranks 38th of 166 small companies that employ 499 or less people.


Summary: 4.40 out of 5 stars and 38th of 166 small companies employing 499 or less people.

source include: indeed, glassdoor, facebook, google

Types of jobs at Black Hawk Energy Services

Determined via job opportunities posted to or shared via our website, some of the oil & gas, energy, skilled trades and craft jobs at Black Hawk Energy Services include Floorhand, Pump Operator, Rig Manager, Flowback Hand, & Operator. Other common positions are:





Flowback Field Assistant

Flowback Field Assistant



Why work at Black Hawk Energy Services?

Black Hawk Energy Services seeks individuals that are team builders and team players. They believe that their employees make the difference and offer a sign-on bonus and many other benefits. They mention words like:

  • Safety
  • Pride
  • Team

Determined via job opportunities posted to or shared via our site, jobs with Black Hawk Energy Services may offer No Experience.

Black Hawk Energy Services work culture & company values

Our safety record is exemplary and our customers include many major and independent  producers. We are ISNetworld compliant and have a full time safety staff to assure compliance with the highest standards of our industry. They mention words like:

  • Honesty
  • Commitment
  • Quality

How to find Black Hawk Energy Services hiring & job application info

Looking for employment opportunities with Black Hawk Energy Services? Below you can find relevant hiring information via their website, social media profiles, and the Black Hawk Energy Services application process via their careers/hiring page. Logged in users can find additional information including Black Hawk Energy Services recruiter emails, names, and phone numbers if available.

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Black Hawk Energy Services job postings & career openings:

Here are the most recent job openings & career opportunities that we have sourced or have been provided directly from Black Hawk Energy Services: