Canada’s National Energy Board’s (NEB) oral hearing on a proposal from Enbridge Pipelines (NW) to replace a segment of the Line 21 Pipeline begins on Monday.

Enbridge has applied for permission to replace a 2.5-kilometre-long section of its Line 21 pipeline. The company has also requested permission to leave the section of pipe that is being replaced under the Mackenzie River.

The hearing will start with Oral Traditional Evidence from four Indigenous groups. Once the Oral Traditional Evidence portion of the hearing has finished, intervenors will have the opportunity to cross-examine the evidence of other hearing participants. The oral hearing will conclude with final argument.

The Mackenzie Valley Land and Water Board (MVLWB) is also considering the potential environmental and socio-economic effects of the project under the Mackenzie Valley Resource Management Act. The NEB and the MVLWB have committed to coordinate the two regulatory processes where possible. The MVLWB will begin its hearing on Friday, October 27, after the NEB’s hearing wraps up on October 26.

A live audio feed in either English or Dene Zhatie, and a daily transcript, will be available at: