Scaffolders Needed in Houston, TX
Wood PLC
- Community Job Lead
- Houston
- n/a
- Full Time
- Competitive Wages
We’re looking for a passionate content specialist to help us find, vet and post content to the EJS platform. If you're passionate about the oil, gas and energy industry and want to help thousands of good people get back to work - we need to talk!
Our primary goal for this position is to have job inventory added to EJS that aligns with employer inventory we have access to along with opportunities that align with our community’s interests.
Primary Responsibilities:
These opportunities from Energy Job Shop are available in United States, Canada.
The below are factors that tend to matter for our listing seekers. This listing with Energy Job Shop offers:
Competitive Wages
Year round work
Performance Bonus
Work Life Balance
Work Remotely
Flexible Schedule
As positions vary, please confirm details with employer.
Energy Job Shop has indicated that these are the requirements for the listing:
Requirements may not be comprehensive. Confirm w/employer.
A better way to find a great job in energy, crafts and trades. Connecting 1 Million people to their dream job in energy.
Read more on Energy Job Shop Jobs
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