This role involves operating various types of heavy equipment, including front-end loaders, forklifts, and logging trucks, to support log yard operations. The ideal candidate must prioritize safety, work well in a team, and handle tasks across departments, such as planermill and sawmill operations.
- $37.42 hourly pay rate
- Monday to Friday day shifts (with some early morning starts in winter)
- Occasional weekend work for winter road and parking lot clearing
- Collaborative and inclusive work environment
- Ongoing opportunities for career development and growth
Save yourself some time and energy - before you consider applying to this job, be honest and ask yourself these questions:
- Do you have experience operating heavy equipment?
- Are you comfortable with early morning winter shifts and occasional weekend work?
- Are you prepared to work in various departments and handle physically demanding tasks?
Click on the button under the "Ready to Apply" section below to get to the source of this job and to submit your application!