What does Worley Cord do?

The Cord Group is a family of companies that collectively deliver the project-management expertise and skilled-trades personnel for fabrication, module assembly and field construction of heavy-industrial projects across western Canada.

Types of jobs at Worley Cord

Determined via job opportunities posted to or shared via our website, some of the oil & gas, energy, skilled trades and craft jobs at Worley Cord include Ironworker, Carpenter, Pipefitter, Skilled Labourer, Pipefitter Helper, Pipefitter Apprentice, Pipefitter Journeyman, Laborer, Labourer, Skilled Laborer, Skilled Trades, Electrician , Instrument Technician, Instrumentation Technician, Scaffolder, Equipment Operator, Heavy Equipment Operator, Recruitment Agency, Rig Welder, Welder, Steamfitter, Operator, & Loader Operator. Other common positions are:



How to find Worley Cord hiring & job application info

Looking for employment opportunities with Worley Cord? Below you can find relevant hiring information via their website, social media profiles, and the Worley Cord application process via their careers/hiring page. Logged in users can find additional information including Worley Cord recruiter emails, names, and phone numbers if available.

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Worley Cord job postings & career openings:

Here are the most recent job openings & career opportunities that we have sourced or have been provided directly from Worley Cord: