What does Surerus Murphy Joint Venture do?
Surerus Murphy Joint Venture brings together two leading infrastructure companies, Surerus Pipeline Inc. and J. Murphy & Sons Ltd. Together the two companies combine over 100 years of pipeline construction and infrastructure heritage providing experience and innovative solutions to challenging projects in the oil and gas industry.
Types of jobs at Surerus Murphy Joint Venture
Determined via job opportunities posted to or shared via our website, some of the oil & gas, energy, skilled trades and craft jobs at Surerus Murphy Joint Venture include Welder, Pipeline, & Sideboom Operator. Other common positions are:
Surerus Murphy Joint Venture job postings & career openings:
Here are the most recent job openings & career opportunities that we have sourced or have been provided directly from Surerus Murphy Joint Venture:
Various Project Sites in AB & BC up to $1200/day (Paid Travel, $225/day LOA)
Features: Competitive Wages, Living Out Allowance, Paid Travel
Company: Surerus Murphy Joint Venture
Region: Grande Prairie, Squamish, Spruce Grove
Pipeline Projects in AB & BC Paying $1200/day: 6 & 1, $225 LOA Starts ASAP
Features: 6 & 1, Competitive Wages, Living Out Allowance, Paid Travel
Company: Surerus Murphy Joint Venture
Region: Edmonton, Grande Prairie, British Columbia
Pipeline Welders, Sideboom Operators & HD Mechanics Needed in AB & BC
Features: Competitive Wages, Health Benefits Package
Company: Surerus Murphy Joint Venture
Region: Alberta, British Columbia