What does Pembina Pipeline Corporation do?
Pembina Pipeline Corporation is a leading energy transportation and midstream service provider that has been serving North America's energy industry for more than 65 years.
A Calgary-based company, Pembina owns an integrated system of pipelines that transport crude oil, natural gas and natural gas liquids produced primarily in Western Canada, as well as gas gathering and processing facilities, and an oil and natural gas liquids infrastructure and logistics business.
How big is Pembina Pipeline Corporation and how old are they?
source include: indeed, glassdoor, facebook, google
Employee reviews of Pembina Pipeline Corporation
What is employment at Pembina Pipeline Corporation like? From employers included and reviewed within our database, Pembina Pipeline Corporation ranks the 1st of 0 medium sized company that employ 1,000 to 4,999 people.
Summary: 3.65 out of 5 stars and the 1st of 0 medium sized company employing 1,000 to 4,999 people.
source include: indeed, glassdoor, facebook, google
Types of jobs at Pembina Pipeline Corporation
Determined via job opportunities posted to or shared via our website, some of the oil & gas, energy, skilled trades and craft jobs at Pembina Pipeline Corporation include Pipeline, Plant Operator, Refinery, Class 1 Driver, Pipeliner, 6G Welder, & Operator. Other common positions are:
Why work at Pembina Pipeline Corporation?
Our expectations are high and our rewards reflect this: We treat our people well - whether it’s through our compensation package, community engagement and volunteer opportunities, or our numerous social activities.
We are a proud recipient of Canada’s Top 100 Employers (2018 – 2021) and Alberta’s Top 75 Employers (2014 – 2020). We are also a strong supporter of Skills Canada.
Determined via job opportunities posted to or shared via our site, jobs with Pembina Pipeline Corporation may offer Competitive Wages, Transportation to & from Site, Remote Camp, Health Benefits Package, Full Time Position(s), Pension.
Pembina Pipeline Corporation work culture & company values
Pembina wishes to be the leader in delivering integrated infrastructure solutions connecting global markets. They mentionw words like:
- Customers
- Investors
- Employees
- Communities
How to find Pembina Pipeline Corporation hiring & job application info
Looking for employment opportunities with Pembina Pipeline Corporation? Below you can find relevant hiring information via their website, social media profiles, and the Pembina Pipeline Corporation application process via their careers/hiring page. Logged in users can find additional information including Pembina Pipeline Corporation recruiter emails, names, and phone numbers if available.