What does Nuna Logistics do?
Nuna provides logistical, infrastructure construction, and contract mining services to Canada’s mining industry and are specialists in remote and challenging projects. As a majority-Inuit owned company we frequently partner with Indigenous communities in the regions where we work and have a long history of creating training and employment opportunities through the execution of our work. Our services include: pre-strip and open pit mining; site and exploration support services; infrastructure planning and development; dam, frozen core dam, dike, airstrip, and all-weather road construction; crushing services; ice road construction and maintenance; mine site reclamation; vertical cutter mining; large diameter drilling; and field-based heavy equipment training.
Types of jobs at Nuna Logistics
Determined via job opportunities posted to or shared via our website, some of the oil & gas, energy, skilled trades and craft jobs at Nuna Logistics include Equipment Operator, Heavy Equipment Mechanic, Heavy Equipment Operator, Labourer, Grader Operator, Loader Operator, Water Truck Operator, Camp Attendant, Mechanic, Excavator Operator, Lubrication Technician, Dozer Operator, & Haul Truck. Other common positions are:
Haul Truck
Nuna Logistics job postings & career openings:
Here are the most recent job openings & career opportunities that we have sourced or have been provided directly from Nuna Logistics:
Now Hiring All Trades in NT: Competitive Wages, Fly In, Fly Out, 3 x 3 Rotations, Accommodations Provided
Features: Camp, Competitive Wages, FIFO, Overtime Paid
Company: Nuna Logistics
Region: Northwest Territories
Fly-in Equipment Operators Needed for Winter Road Project in NWT (4 & 2, Flights, OT, Accommodations)
Features: Fly-In & Fly-Out, Housing Available, Overtime
Company: Nuna Logistics
Region: Calgary, Edmonton, Yellowknife
Fly In / Fly Out Labourers Needed Northern BC: 14/14, 12 Hour Days with 1.5x OT Pay
Features: Camp, Fly-In & Fly-Out, Many Positions Available
Company: Nuna Logistics
Region: British Columbia
10 Fly-in Equipment Operators Needed Snap Lake Project: Fly-in 21 & 21, 12 hours/day (1.5x OT Pay)
Features: Overtime Paid, 21 & 21 Rotation, 12 Hour Shifts
Company: Nuna Logistics
Region: Snap Lake
Multi Equipment Operators Needed at Snap Lake Mine Project (21/21, 1.5x OT Pay)
Features: Overtime Paid, 21 & 21 Rotation
Company: Nuna Logistics
Region: Northwest Territories