It's time you thought about Oilfield recruitment differently. Today's job boards simply don't have the reach that they once used to as your potential new employees don't use the internet the way they used to. And, no matter how great your website or business may be, likely as not your potential candidates are not checking you out on a regular basis - and their friends and family are definitely not. Energy Job Shop & social recruitment are different, and it's time to give us a try.
Bragging Rights
Energy Job Shop has been featured in CBC News, The Huffington Post, Tackk and ALIS. Heck, we've even made a movie. While that's all well and good, here's the numbers that should matter to you:
- Nearly 100,000 Social Followers
- Over 15,000 Newsletter Subscribers
- Over 10,000 Website visitors per day
Perhaps most impressive is our ability to reach over 2 Million Oilfield workers along with their friends and family every month. Make your business & job posting go viral with Energy Job Shop. Oh, and did we mention that basic listings are free? What are you waiting for, get started today!