You may be young and fresh out of school, or you may be an older adult looking to finally get your life back on track. No matter your reason, you’re jobless, but it seems all the classified ads want employees with prior work experience. Nevertheless, you need work, and below are a few guidelines in getting that job, especially if you live in North Dakota.

Here's 6 quick tips that can point you in the right direction:

1. Search entry-level jobs in your area

There are many websites online that show job listings for first-time job-searchers. One easy tip is navigate to a popular job site and search simply for 'entry level' as your description followed by 'North Dakota'. Here, you'll be presented with all jobs employers feel are 'entry level' increasing your changes of being qualified.


The U.S. Government has websites that show available job openings per state.

In North Dakota, job openings may be found here: 

Oil industry job openings for North Dakota can also be found at Energy Job Shop also regularly posts leads for positions in North Dakota.  Search our site for these positions here.

2. Know your area

If you haven’t done so, get to know the place you plan to work in. If you want to work in North Dakota, research about the state and its specialties, as well as any current events that could affect job openings. Start with 'boom' cities such as Williston or Watford City.

3. Identify your skills

While you may not have any prior working experience, you can still use skills from past life experiences in the job you’re applying for. Mention any technical and communication skills that you have.

4. Use the skills you already have

If you’re a first-time job seeker, chances are you don’t have enough income to reach a higher educational degree that can lead to higher-paying jobs. Instead of going back to school to get more skills, use the ones you already have. As much as possible, don’t just choose entry-level jobs that you can do. Choose entry-level jobs that you can succeed and thrive in. It will help you in the long run.

5. Volunteer

It won’t be forever, of course. While a job is ideally meant to give you income, there may be a possibility that you still won’t find work. Work as an apprentice to a someone working in your target workplace. While you may not get paid yet, you will gain experience; eventually, the workplace you’re apprenticing for will give you a salary. Just make sure to negotiate with any persons of authority beforehand. In any case, volunteering for a company or a cause will be great for your resume.

6. Show that you’re willing to learn

Since you don’t have any job experience yet, the best way to make yourself look good in the eyes of a potential employer is to show that you can and will learn.

In the workplace, a person who is willing to learn is more valuable in the long run than someone brilliant but stubborn. Job hunting, in North Dakota or anywhere else in the world, may seem difficult, and it is.

You will need to be clever, patient, and resilient, since the path to a job is riddled with failure.  Once you finally land on a paying job, however, a new and tougher road will have only just begun.